Category: Hints and Tips

Protect your extension leads

Protect your extension leads

A tip courtesy of Hugh: To deter people from stealing extension leads from campsites, gardens, etc, wrap a bit of electrical tape round them in a few places. This makes them look old and repaired – which makes them unattractive to most passers-by. Most people only want new ones or ones in good condition!

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No more Slip Slidin’ Away…

No more Slip Slidin’ Away…

Protect yourself from slips and falls on ice and snow

Icy roads and pavements can make it difficult and dangerous – not to mention unpleasant – to get around in winter. But Iain points out that he and his wife have enjoyed walking even in the coldest, slippiest weather this winter (2021) because they have used ice grips.

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The perils of Ultraviolet (UV) light

The perils of Ultraviolet (UV) light

By The Alchemist

We all know that ultraviolet light in sunlight is absorbed by the skin and is used by the body to stimulate the production of the beneficial Vitamin D and also melanin which, with modest doses of UV, causes mild tanning. However, too much UV is bad for the skin, causing premature aging, reducing flexibility, creating wrinkles and lots of freckles and making the skin look like leather.  It can even be deadly by causing melanoma, a particularly nasty form of cancer.

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Washers from waste

Washers from waste

By the Alchemist – turning junk into ‘gold’!

From time to time we all need non-metallic (e.g. plastic, rubber, even wood) washers. A recent example for me was bolting some steel brackets to the frame of an aluminium greenhouse.  Due to the possibility of bi-metallic corrosion, especially in a wet and humid environment like a greenhouse, it is a good idea to electrically isolate the dissimilar metals with a non-conductive washer – in this case I used plastic.

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98 Forthview Crescent, Currie EH14 5QP, Scotland
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