Category: Community Projects

Litter Picking Station

Litter Picking Station

We have been given the opportunity to make Litter Picking Stations to encourage people to clear up local areas – starting with the Harlaw Reservoir area. This initiative is being proposed and sponsored by our local community policing team. If it is successful we could offer the design to be shared with other Men’s Sheds who may also wish to get involved with such an initiative.

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Wire & Loop Buzzer Games

Wire & Loop Buzzer Games

Our talented electrical expert, John, has built three “Wire and Loop Buzzer” games. Two are for 297 Squadron (Musselburgh) Air Cadets, and the third is for The Meeting Place group that meets in the Scout Hall on Mondays. It may look easy, but the game is harder than it looks – the author of this article can vouch for that!

At the Air Cadet squadron, lots of the younger cadets spent the evening trying to complete the task without setting off the buzzer. This proved more difficult than first thought so lots of frustrated players!

A few of The Meeting Place members also tried their version of the game, and one manged to complete it without touching the wire! Success! The group was also visited by Sue Webber MSP, who was encouraged to try her hand at the game. There is no record of whether she was successful…

The two games that John made for the Air Cadets
One of the older members of the Air Cadet squadron trying his hand at the game. What is John saying?
Good fun trying the game at The Meeting Place
John demonstrating how the game works
Sue Webber MSP showing her skills at the game
Balerno Nursery – Planters and Signs

Balerno Nursery – Planters and Signs

Jan agreed to take on a project for Balerno Nursery, to build some planters so that the children could learn about planting and growing flowers and vegetables. The job was quite sizeable, and Murray and others helped him to build these impressive, custom-designed items. Jan also engaged Stewart to carve some signs for the Nursery to highlight some of the items in the garden and playground area. We think the results are first class – and so do the leaders and teachers from the Nursery!

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Sensory Wall & Finger Guards

Sensory Wall & Finger Guards

Stewart has made a “Sensory Wall” for a local playgroup. ‘What’s a Sensory Wall?’ I hear you ask. An excellent question! It’s a board with all sorts of items attached. These make sounds, have different textures, move in different ways, and are all intended to give the children something to stimulate their minds. You’ll see what it is in the photos below.

While at the playgroup, Stewart also fitted “finger guards” to some doors, to prevent a recurrence of a child getting fingers caught when a door was closed.

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Play Your Cards Right

Play Your Cards Right

When “The Meeting Place” asked us to make some games for their members, Stewart stepped up and produced a bumper-sized frame for the group members to use when playing “Play Your Cards Right”, based on the popular television game show. The Meeting Place is organised by one of our members, and is intended to give Dementia sufferers and their carers somewhere to get together every week. By all accounts the game has proved very popular!

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Muirwood Park

Muirwood Park

The Friends Of Muirwood Park is a group of local residents who work to improve the amenities in the park to benefit the community. Some of the installations in the park were in a poor state of repair, and the group had been struggling to find tradespeople who were willing and able to repair them, so Pentlands Men’s Shed were approached and asked whether we could help. A subgroup of members took on the project, with impressive results.

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira Website developed by members of the Pentland Men's Shed
98 Forthview Crescent, Currie EH14 5QP, Scotland
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