Drainage holes are required in most flower pots, so if you have ceramic ones that don’t have holes, here are some pointers as to how to drill them, courtesy of a number of members:

- Use masonry bits for unglazed pots; glass or tile bits for glazed pots. For larger holes (20 mm or above) use a diamond core drill;
- Regardless of the type of pot or the hole size, ensure you don’t use hammer action on your drill. Stick to rotary only;
- Drill slowly even after starting off;
- Use masking tape when starting off, to stop the drill bit from sliding on the surface;
- Make a mark to gently break the glaze (if required), by starting the drill very slowly, or by gently chipping the glaze with a centre punch;
- Look online for detailed videos and further advice. There are several YouTube videos available;
- The best tip, however, was to get someone else (your wife?) to do it, so you can’t be blamed if it all goes horribly wrong!