Some of the members have been preparing the way to allow ground works to commence with a view to getting started with a new workshop / store. We have some ideas about what we want to do, so the first stage was to mark out the ground, clear away the pallets that had been deposited there, and get ready to bring in a contractor to level the site in preparation for installing the accommodation.
Great progress in early May 2021: the site has now been prepared and levelled, and a cable trench dug and a conduit installed for the electricity supply.
Materials were then required to finalise the site preparation. Slabs from a member, and other materials purchased from a builders’ merchant, have now been installed to allow the modular building to be installed. It’s getting exciting now, despite some members expressing concern over the risk of developing trench foot in the muddy conditions that we experienced on some days!
Latest update is that Stewart and Alister have identified some containers and put a request in for pricing on one. The prices of containers have rocketed due both to Covid and China not exporting one trip units for the past year. However we’re on the case!
Above now changed due to serious pricing issues to a new approach courtesy of our site clearance contractor who alerted us to a second hand portable cabin which we are hoping to have delivered to site as early as next week. Watch the website for details and photos in due course