Category: Holiday Posts

Isles of Scilly

Isles of Scilly

We spent a week @ self catering on St Mary’s ~ very much the main island in the Scillies. Along with most of the other visitors, aka tourists, we took day trips to the other wee islands. All 5 of the islands can be covered on foot in a day, though quite a long days for St Mary’s. The islands are very geared up for visitors, with many fine cafes, and lots of “honesty box” roadside stalls selling vegetables (eg freshly cut asparagus), flower bulbs, crafts etc. The pace of life is pretty laid back. On St Mary’s one can hire electric golfing type buggies for getting round the roads; these are very popular, and a great aid for those who are not so keen / able to walk around. I’m sure it is heaving with visitors in the school summer holidays, a time to avoid if you can. We were probably a couple of weeks early for the best of the wild flowers which grow in profusion. The hardest part is the travel to / from the Scillies, and not least the huge cost of the travel.

Rural Northumberland

Rural Northumberland

A short break based near Rothbury, stopping off at the Hirsel near Coldstream en route (well worth a visit). We stayed inland this time and visited 2 of the National Trust’s “flagship” properties, Cragside and Wallington. The cost of maintaining these places must be astronomical! Cragside, the country home of William Armstrong (probably the Elon Musk of his day insofar as his innovations and wealth are concerned) was the more interesting. Engineering and hydraulics, largely a self-taught pioneer; I now plan to read his biography.

Recommended area and locations!

Isles of Coll and Tiree

Isles of Coll and Tiree

Fabulous weather (weren’t we lucky!) and very long hours of daylight. Self catering. Wonderful beaches and sea swimming, though maybe a tad chilly for some. Good to take bicycles, both islands are pretty flat, and little traffic. No theme parks or suchlike, so we really needed to do our own thing; but there’s masses to see and do, not least the wildlife / birds. Regularly heard the croaking corncrake, but didn’t see one

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Website developed by members of the Pentland Men's Shed
98 Forthview Crescent, Currie EH14 5QP, Scotland
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