Category: Activities



Great turnout today and thanks to Iain, Ali and John for their organisational skills. We certainly had some good debate around topics such as membership, activities, lady members and day trips as well as an update on Stewart’s finger, his shed blackout ,and other “incidents”. Thankfully his exploits have been appropriately rewarded!

It was very nice to see that we continue to attract new members even though we are still in Covid territory! We have a lot of good people who have some extremely interesting ideas so upwards and onwards.

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Shedders symposium

Shedders symposium

We had a nice change of pace today when rather than us splitting into work parties or working on projects we sat in the hall and had a lovely chat. It’s great to remember we don’t always have to “do” but can simply sit around a virtual camp fire and set the world to rights. I know that John, Bill and I enjoyed today and trust we all did.

Turing Tumble

Turing Tumble

One of our members brought in a “Turing Tumble” to test the logic and brainpower of other members. This is a type of digital computer that uses ball bearings rather than electronics to achieve the desired results, using pure logic to send the bearings to the desired end location. It’s harder than you might think, and very addictive!



Pentlands Men’s Shed exists to promote wellbeing for its members, and to attract new members by promoting wellbeing as its main purpose. For some people, that may be project activities, but for others it may be playing board or other games, gardening, learning, or just a cup of coffee and a chat. If you want to find out more, get in touch via the Contact Us page!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Website developed by members of the Pentland Men's Shed
98 Forthview Crescent, Currie EH14 5QP, Scotland
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