A Happy New Year to you and all the best to you and yours for 2023.
Another year, another set of New Year Resolutions? Hopefully managing to get a slot to attend the shed from time to time is on your ‘To Do’ list and please keep in touch by email of What's app if you cannot attend or have news for us.
The shed re-opens officially tomorrow. Alistair, John and myself had a New Year Cuppa and a session of cutting and bagging kindling at the shed last Monday so we are almost reaching the point of fulfilling Stewart’s orders, provided he’s not taken any more! Some more may arrive over the next few days due to members doing remote working at home! The weather tomorrow may curtail doing much on the firewood front but I think most of us will be having a catchup chat and there are a few things to discuss for the way ahead.
We have a talk from Friends of the Pentlands on the 13thJanuary and on the 20thJanuary Gordon MacDonald MSP is visiting us to talk about the men’s shed and the government plan to withdraw funding from the SMSA, which, although it would not affect us directly, could potentially remove our Charity Umbrella which we use to hang applications for funding etc on. One thing I would like to discuss with members tomorrow is whether we should try and involve the youngsters (and their teacher) who won the Wood Foundation Monies for us in this visit? I have made no contact with them on this subject but given that the Scottish Parliament say they listen to the younger generation and I’m not sure that’s true with us oldies it may be appropriate. If you cannot attend tomorrow, but have a view on this please let me know as I will make the decision whether to invite or not following our meeting tomorrow.
Lyall has provided a draft of the OSCR submission for the year to end November to the trustees for checking and this will be circulated to Members when approved and ratified by the Independent Auditor. Thanks to Lyall for keeping us all in order on this and keeping the figures in the black!
As is usual at this time of year we’ve been having a tidy up in the Skinner household and I believe that we have now managed to unpack the last of our moving boxes. The declutter continues but so far the consensus is ‘we have to be more ruthless’, but it’s difficult! Yesterday and today I’ve been building new shelves/bookcases and moving the old stuff to the workshop where I MAY recycle some of it as the workshop is certainly not as I want it either and I can’t find ready made storage to suit. However it will have to get warmer before I can think straight out there!
That’s it for tonight, hope you are managing to keep away from the colds and Flu and all the other bugs hanging on to the coat tails of Covid which is certainly not going away any time soon either.
Take care and once again all the best for 2023
best regards

Alister Skinner
Pentlands Men's Shed
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