
Evening all.

Firstly, I won't be at the Shed tomorrow as I am still suffering from this horrible cold. It is getting better, but it's taking its own sweet time!!!

I'll just repeat a few of Iain's topics from last week and add some of my own...

Planned / Future activity
  • You may have seen the WhatsApp discussion about Currie Primary School gardening. If you are free on Wednesdays at 1.45 p.m. and would like to help, please come along to help tidy up and refresh the garden in the Atrium. This is likely to take several weeks, so don't worry if you can't manage every week. We are preparing to weed-kill some of the gravelled areas in the Atrium and Stewart, Lyall and others are getting the materials together, but if you have any old/spare spray bottles, please bring them to the Shed asap so we can use them for weed-killer application. Many thanks to Alistair 2 Sheds and Lyall for being the first volunteers.
  • Martin has suggested that the computer group may restart off there is interest in doing something interesting indoors. Please talk to Martin if this is something you would like to do. As the weather is getting wintry, this is an ideal time to re-start this group.
Income and Fund-raising
  • Kindling sales continue, More wood has been put into the container to dry off, in preparation for kindling preparation on Friday.
  • Looks like we are getting a new band saw for the Shed. Stewart will go ahead and get it for about £330 approx.
  • The Police, Scouts and Shed reps all met earlier this week. Lyall explained the measures we are taking to stop the vandalism. There will be increased Police patrols, but they will get called away if anything urgent happens. The youths' parents have been made aware of their behaviour. Regarding the removal/suspension of bus passes, this will not happen, as I have been told that it is a 'right' that cannot be removed under current legislation. You'll have seen from the WhatsApp chat that another meeting has been scheduled, so we'll await its outcome - hopefully something positive will emerge.
Keep well everyone
Best Regards,

Rab Mason
Pentlands Men's Shed
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