
Another week has passed and it's time for the update. The shed patio is now complete, with Jim Floyd doing the finishing touches to the slabs. Looking really good now.Thanks to both Jim and Jan and their helpers for all the good work they have done to make it in such a short time.

The barbecue could be next for assembly, but that will be after we sort out a trove of tools and materials that Alister Skinner and Stewart Still brought to the shed this afternoon. Stewart and Alister will be at Elaine's before 1000hrs to assess the Lathe removal with the HIAB lorry driver and will be at the shed after that. The trailer is needed to bring the remaining wood from Elaine's garage to the shed but we'll wait for either Ali 2 sheds or Ali Skinner to sort that bit out.

Stewart finally got the Scout Hall kitchen door sorted to his satisfaction - the top facing board was too shallow and left a largish gap, so he removed it and refitted a deeper facing - all good now.

I've got some labels printed for John's shelving containers, I just hope I remember to bring them tomorrow!!!

Friends of the Pentlands will be at the shed on Monday to collect the perches that Alistair Skinner et al renewed.

I have updated the project register on the web site to the best of my ability, but I'm bringing some paper copies to the shed tomorrow so that shedders without a computer can see what is/has been happening. Please have a look in the meantime (if you can) and let me know tomorrow if I have missed something.

My daughter Vicky (Nursery Assistant at Currie P S nursery) put in a request yesterday for several planters for the garden and we need to visit the site to get a handle on dimensions etc. (This is in addition to the sentry boxes/teepees they asked for previously).

I hope everyone is well and will see you all tomorrow.
Best Regards,

Rab Mason
Pentlands Men's Shed
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