
Ali is away this week so you have my ramblings to contend with. As you may have seen on WhatsApp, it seems that his new electric car coped well with the trip "up north". He arrived with 86 miles of range left so hopefully that has helped to alleviate at least some of his range anxiety!

It's a scary thought that the longest day is now behind us, and it is downhill now until December. Time to re-start the kindling production line soon, I reckon!

While security remains high on the agenda for the Shed, we have agreed a way forward with the Scouts. I understand that we will share a CCTV installation which will record all that is going on, to provide evidence in the event of further trouble. All we need now is a lamp post to mount a camera on, and Mr MacKillop is investigating whether the Council might have an old one that would work for us. We have also been given the go-ahead to plant a hedge of thorny plants to act as a deterrent to people trying to cross the fence to or from the street. If you would like to volunteer to help with that, that would be greatly welcomed!

I would like to remind you of the AGM that will take place on 30 June (next Friday) at the Shed. Please come along if you can, as it is an opportunity to hear the Thoughts of Chairman Ali (and Treasurer Lyall - although that doesn't have the same ring about it). You can also take your chance to help shape the Shed going forward: an important topic, I feel, and I hope you agree. Ali's retiral from the role of chairman will inevitably lead to some changes in the future, so let your views help to influence these changes.

One thing that doesn't seem to change is the commitment shown by our members to doing things for the community. The superbly engineered "bunny hutch" for Currie Nursery was installed recently, and some of the children came along with their teachers last Friday to present us with some goodies and a very welcome cheque.

A date for your diary is 18 August, when we are due to be visited by Joanna Cherry MP. Another visit, date still to be confirmed, will be from the chairman and possibly some members of Livingston Community Shed, who are keen to establish ties with us and learn from our experiences of setting up the Shed. I will let you know the date for that as soon as I know it.

I'll close now and go out and sit in the sunshine of the garden with a beer to keep me cool. (The technology lets me compose this newsletter in advance and have it sent automatically at a predetermined time - so even if it is raining when you receive this newsletter, it is beautifully sunny and warm as I write it.)
Best Regards,

Iain Millar
Pentlands Men's Shed
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