
I’m just back down from Portmahomack having left on Tuesday afternoon to go to a funeral on Wednesday morning. I left the north in sunshine this morning only to go into grey skies at Aviemore then high winds from Perth onwards which are still battling the garden here in currie!
Last Monday there was a good shed turnout and Keith came along to ‘get out of the house for a bit’ and helped bag up kindling chopped by Alex. It was nice to see you Keith, that is one of the reasons for having a shed so that we can get together for a chat. I hope all goes well at Doreen’s funeral tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you again in due course.
I’ve got a few more crates of 'kindling ready' slabs to take along tomorrow, I’ll take the car to the shed although we will be starting at 9.30 at Currie Primary as I need to take the worktop away if it will fit in the car. I have arranged part exchange for roofing sheets identical to those we have on the main shed for our store if all goes to plan with my neighbour across the lane.
Those planning to come to Currie Primary tomorrow it is at 0930 there. Some are meeting at the shed prior to that and going in less cars to the school. For the rest of you coming to the shed it will be open afterwards probably about 1045-1100 if all goes to plan.
While I’m on reminders a further one also for 9th May the shed regional meeting at Newhaven with the Leith Men’s Shed. No more details of timing on this yet unless my emails have gone awry..
Martin has responded re the IT items available to us and I will collect and take to the shed in due course, hope you had a good holiday Martin and left the canal boat still afloat and safely moored.
It was my intention in any spare time while up north to draw out a plan for the store roof using the timbers which eagle eyed Bill spotted for us. However I got sidetracked into putting new fuel lines and primer bulb into my petrol chainsaw having got the necessary spares this week. All seems to have gone well with that apart from one screw which seems to have gone walkabout (or is inside somewhere!) so I’ve not tried it out yet but I do have plenty of different sizes of fuel line should anyone want to do a similar service! I had to buy a metre of each size and used less than 150mm of one size! The new biofuel apparently does not like plastic fuel lines or the clear bulbs on the primers so there could be more call for this type of servicing in the future. The fuel lines in this chainsaw which I acquired about a year ago were just old and brittle!
That’s it for this week, time for tea then early bed tonight. Take care everyone, hope to see some of you tomorrow.

Alister Skinner
Pentlands Men's Shed
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