I was not at the Shed on Monday so cannot make comment on work or otherwise that day. Friday previously the trailer was loaded up with scrap and when Rab joined me on Tuesday to take it to the scrappie he did say some more had been added on the Monday. A total of £78 was gained from the trailer load for the shed and the trailer is now reloaded with solar panels frames and fixings as my old system is about to journey north to extend my home made system up there this weekend.
I was trying to make sense of the what’s app missives today but gave up! Not sure if Stewart is going into the shed/kitchen design business or maybe he was just trying to wind us up with ideas?! Probably just something to do on a wet and cold day! Those of you on what’s app will also have seen the message posted by Iain from the Armadale shed regarding their recent fire. They have not even been allowed into the building yet due to safety issues so they are going to have a long climb back and believe there is nothing salvageable from what was a pretty extensive and flourishing shed. At least as I understand it there were no injuries associated with the fire and accompanying damage.
A further reminder that we have two dates in the Shed Diary for May. Friday 5th for a get together with Currie Primary and 9th May the shed regional meeting at Newhaven with the Leith Men’s Shed. I know it’s only April but it’s the middle of the month already and I hope to be away for most of the next two weeks as, with others in similar situations there’s many plans and projects in competition with the shed and the time seems to be flying by.
Take care everyone, hope to see some of you tomorrow and you can decide among yourselves whio is going to write the notes for next Thursday.
Alister Skinner
Pentlands Men's Shed
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