It’s been a busy Shed week for some Members and if you have not looked at the website recently now would be a good time to do it! The forecast for tomorrow is good (ie no rain!) so I suggest those of us who can meet up outside at the shed for a catchup on where we are with our plans for the siting of the shed. The main groundwork was completed on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday the contractor asked if he could do it this week and when I said yes he said he’d come tomorrow! Using What’s App I was able to recruit a number of willing volunteers and we were able to clear the tree branches from the entrance and supervise the excavations. Brian Sinclair of Sinclair Plant Hire did an excellent and very tidy job and came in on estimate with no extras so we’re well pleased. Our thoughts then turned to containers and I called up some of our earlier contacts only to find that prices have soared in the intervening time However feelers were put out. Today Stewart phoned me to say he’d seen another couple of containers at depots at Bathgate so we went back this afternoon and found a third depot as well. To cut a long story short we’ve identified a suitable old but serviceable (non-shipping) container at SIBCAS, 30’ x 10’ lined, with electrics and steel shuttered windows. We could not get a price on site but it MAY be within our budget (which they do not know) and would be very secure. Details will be sent to Stewart in due course. Even if it used up more of our budget that we had hoped it may still be a good option and we can build a leanto on the downside as a store rather than looking for a second container because if this one is suitable and the price is right we will have to put it on site and then it may not be possible to get another one on. So there are a few things up for discussion on site tomorrow. Thanks to Stewart, Ron, Alastair, Jim and Bill who made quick response to the whats app call we were able to supervise, chat and be happy that the digger was doing the work and not us!! The rain on Wednesday was a bit of a damper and turned the site into a muddy surface but we got the ditch dug for the cable and backfilled with a pipe and ropes in place for pulling the electrics through in due course. The hole through the wall into the scout hut has also been made. Tomorrow if you wish to walk on it take your boots or wellies, not your driving shoes! We also hope tomorrow to tidy up the exposed tree roots and make the trees along the fence a ‘hedge’ ready for putting a container over. Hugh Thomson made a start by tidying along the railings and pruning the overhanging branches onto the pavement. Stewart also got tree saplings from a neighbour for our landscaping and they are in pots at the back of the scout hut with more to come.
Given that the Lockdown is easing I’m keen to get an AGM done because I’m conscious that I’m doing a lot of this with minimal consultation but feel I need to keep things moving and get awarded monies used up as soon as we can. However although some things may be ratified (or not) after the event we should reconvene in person for that soonest so tomorrow we will also look at how we can socially distance for an AGM in the Hall, which, given that we have to give about three weeks notice would now be in late June. This should see most meeting restrictions able to be met in a manageable form. Those of you not able to attend the shed at the moment please email your thoughts on this please because we do need a 75% attendance at an AGM to make it quorate.
That’s it for tonight, I’ll probably see some of you tomorrow. I have a doctor's appointment before hand and depending how much blood they want I may be there a bit late!
I’ll say cheerio for now and Regards to all, keep safe and keep well.


Alister Skinner
Pentlands Men's Shed