
Shed notes 30th June
I don’t have much to report this week so someone may care to do a bit of filling in over the next few days, hopefully not weeks, I’ve managed to catch COVID probably through my trip to Dundee where over a hundred of us were catching up on two years of Antarctic stories over a few beers. Unfortunately Mary also tested positive today so I’m likely to be out of circulation for a wee while and it is also possible that she is going to have to miss some hospital appointments so what was a great weekend has maybe not been as good as we had hoped, but we did enjoy it! Apart from yesterday I’ve just felt like I had a bad dose of flu but am also chronically tired but resting doesn’t seem to help much. Thanks to Hugh for passing on some extra LFT’s we will have run out of what we have even if we don’t do more tests for five or six days as my (in their 40’s) children both have had it now for ten days and still testing positive – and we were trying to keep away from them!
I enjoyed Jim’s photos of Iceland on what’s app today – memories of working up at krafla where we managed to drill into an active magma chamber. First time I obtained a glass core – after the drillsting had cooled with many gallons of water being pumped down we were able to free it and actually got everything back intact and chipped the glass of the inside of the core barrel! Jim’s also been whale watching and we all thought he was working, oh and having hot baths as well – what a life! Iceland is great as long as you don’t have to buy the beer!
In my enforced sitting around and keeping away from the other half (although that does not seem to have worked) I’ve made some ‘handing out cards’ for the shed and if members who have not been photographed, or who wish to try and submit a younger one will send me their photos either direct to or through Iain and the web I will try and revise the poster with all members on it. You will notice, I hope, that I put the new shed membership certificate and some other information into the shed before I left for Dundee together with some magnets for the notice board. Thought the lego ones were quite appropriate!
That’s all for this week, keep me updated with what’s going on and I can thoroughly recommend not getting Covid if you can possibly avoid it.
Regards to all

Alister Skinner
Pentlands Men's Shed
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